The purpose of ToAD is to promote bicycling in Wisconsin and provide a world-class competitive bicycling event in Wisconsin. The purpose of hosting the event in Janesville is to enhance awareness of our downtown/community and businesses, increase traffic to businesses and create economic impact. The people behind the JTSGP are Paul Murphy – Chair, and John Westphal, Co-Chair. Murphy’s and Westphal’s motivation is that they are passionate about their hometown; they are strong supporters and promoters of revitalizing Janesville’s downtown, specifically the ARISE project. They want to bring a signature event to downtown that will attract residents and visitors to our evolving downtown. Their goal is to create an event so successful from the perspective of the downtown businesses, residents, spectators, racers, and the main promoter that this will become an annual event, and be a major part of the ToAD going forward. The JTSGP/ToAD is a family-friendly event.